Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sleepy and Marine

So these were two of the adoptables I adopted, Sleepy is the human chibi :3 and Marine is the unicorn turtle. 


Sleepy is generally always sleepy, or drowsy.
Age: 12
Description:  Sleepy is always found sleeping somewhere, or day dreaming about food. Her super power is the ability to sleep anywhere and make anyone sleepy. Sleepy is only super awake when she sees her favorite food but right after that she will take a suppper long nap.

Marine is a super rare unicorn turtle and her species has super magical powers. 
Age: 1000
Description:  Marine is a rare unicorn turtle from a unknown universe. She landed in popoland (not poo- poo land po like pop = pohpohland) PopoLand is a place where all my adoptables live.) around 100 years ago, wandering around the world untill she met Sleepy and decided to follow her. Marine usually sleeps on Sleep's hat because its super comfy and warm. Marine makes sure Sleepy goes to school and homework and pretty much everything else.

Their Story: 
1892 Marine landed in a little island in popoland and started wandering PoPoLand. Marine wander PoPoland for another 120 years before meeting Sleepy. Marine was still wandering around PoPoLand, Marine had floated up to a tree to take a nap, but a gust of wind came causing her to fall off the branch. But luckily she landed on Sleep's hat. So she and Sleepy slept under that tree until Sleepy woke up and went back home. And thats how Marine found Sleepy.

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