Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mellu and MrHeartsAlot

Age: 12
Place : Poro-Poro Town
Description: So Mellu is usually reading books and wandering off in the woods to play with cuddly little creatures because shes too shy too talk to people. She has photographic memory and is considered a prodigy in Poro - Poro Town.

Age: 6
MrHeartsAlot is super hyper and super cool, and knows everything. But everyone loves him because they all know hes super kind and reliable.

Their Story:
So one day Mellu decided to go to the woods  and like every other day she played with the little animals that lived there. But today she saw a injured little hamster, but this hamster didnt look like any other hamster she had ever seen before. This hamster had wings and hearts all over his tail. She took the hamster back home and nursed it back to health. The Hamster , MrHeartsAlot wanted to thank Mellu because he was on a super secret mission to find a special treasure that was in these woods. So thats how Mellu and Mr HeartsALot met. 

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