Saturday, February 1, 2014

First time trying digital art

So this is the first time I tried doing art digitally from start to finish.
Here are the results:

So the two of these were drawn on my iPad using Procreate (I wish they had a fill in bucket tool)

The first one is Snow Bunny Nidalee, I like using Nidalee on League of Legends quite often ^^. (I'm terrible at the game but yeaaaaaa. BUT BUT BUT I ONCE STOLE BARON WITH SONA.. I didnt get to record it though QwQ SO UPSETTING).

I wanted to add her weapon but I found it really difficult to do >.<" So I'm still slowly working on her weapon (will upload finish one later).

The second one is for Chinese New Year 2014, its the year of the horse so I decided to make a horse-human chibi adoptable.  

Any Advice is completely welcomed, (I want to get a lot better in digital drawing so pleaaase comment if you have any advice)

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