Sunday, February 2, 2014

Update stuff

So just wanted to write about a couple things that just happened owo... So first of I WANT TO SHOW OF THE OSSOME ADOPT I JUST RECEIVED from :iconsup3rbun: SUP3RbunAdoptable 1 by SUP3Rbun
Adopt 1 - Chibi by SUP3Rbun

I think its sooo cute and I looooove it Bunny Emoji-30 (I'm cute) [V2]  omg I'm so happy ^^ I'm already working on a head shot of her using water color (but my water colors tend to be really slow so I'll slowly work on it owo)...
I also adopted something from :icondewdropkitty:  DewdropKitty and I think its sooo cute *O* especially its a bunny. I only got the 2nd one with the bunny
05 Adoptable [CLOSED] by DewdropKitty

Last of all I watched the LCS matches (League of Legends Champion Series) And to those who watched it to... OMG DID YOU SEE FREAKING CLG vs CURSE THAT WAS SOOO FREAKING AWESOME OMG THE FREAKING PLAYS *O* awesome plays from both side. But omg the best thing in that match was the Chauster x Doublelift synergyHeart - Free 

welp thats it owo... I hope I didnt annoy anyone 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Serge New Adoptable

So this is Serge that I jut recently adopted from PrePAWSterous from Deviantart.
Obviously his name will be Serge ^^.
And he will be the General who is in charge of Justice in PoPoLand, Where he makes sure Ebil Slime will never cause havoc in there. So their kinda like nemesis, but I want it to be quite a weird relationship between the two (not a seriously nemesis but a funny one). 

First time trying digital art

So this is the first time I tried doing art digitally from start to finish.
Here are the results:

So the two of these were drawn on my iPad using Procreate (I wish they had a fill in bucket tool)

The first one is Snow Bunny Nidalee, I like using Nidalee on League of Legends quite often ^^. (I'm terrible at the game but yeaaaaaa. BUT BUT BUT I ONCE STOLE BARON WITH SONA.. I didnt get to record it though QwQ SO UPSETTING).

I wanted to add her weapon but I found it really difficult to do >.<" So I'm still slowly working on her weapon (will upload finish one later).

The second one is for Chinese New Year 2014, its the year of the horse so I decided to make a horse-human chibi adoptable.  

Any Advice is completely welcomed, (I want to get a lot better in digital drawing so pleaaase comment if you have any advice)

New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE (even though it was late q.q)... SORRY

Faith and Fortune

So this is Faith made by the awesome Serendipiter 

This is Fortune by Sarilain 

More info will be released on them, I just need to find a way to word my things correctly e.e....

Friday, January 31, 2014

Ebil Slime's Likes, Dislikes and Description

Ebil slime Likes :
Ebil, and lots and lots of ebil, cheese, did I say ebil yet, ebil, ebil , ebil and hamsters and food.

Dislikes; Everything nice...

Hes a slime with a skull

Derps Likes and Dislikes

So, Derp likes food , any type of edible food (but not gross stuff). He likes snoozing and lazing around everywhere and making everyone else do the work.

Derp hates working and starving because they make him feel tired ;~;. HE NEEDS FOOD SO FEED THE LITTLE DERP. or elsseeeeeeee....